SXSW Sydney Tech & innovation expo

Do you have the foggiest idea what any of these exhibitors do? I've not cheated: all that's blurred are business names, logos and faces. (And none of the business names would have given you a clue.)

The first rule of marketing is that confused minds don't buy. And you can't assume the owner of the confused mind will ask questions, even if you're standing there.

Why would none of these exhibitors simply say what they do and who they're for, so a passer-by would know whether:

  1. The passer-by had the problem or was interested in the offer
  2. The exhibitor was interested in the passer-by (because we all know not every business sees us as the ideal customer, and because we don't want to be rejected, we don't approach)

Could anyone be less interested in your business than these two?


Being essentially blindfolded (what else is a VR headset than a blindfold?) among a group of total strangers fills me with dread. I'd need to know at least something about who you are, why I'm doing this and what I'm going to get as a result before I even considered it.

Think I'm mad? I represent a decent slice of your market.

Final tip from direct response marketing: If the audience doesn't know your business (and often even if they do), your company name and logo are the LEAST important part of your message and don't belong at the top.

So your name and logo should definitely NOT be the ONLY thing your present in your message.

Are you missing conversions on your website?

Are you losing new business because your website isn't clear about what you do and who you're for?

When you're close to the business, it's easy to miss the things that are now obvious to you but that still aren't to your ideal clients.

So you might not realise that your low conversion rate can be easily fixed and without spending thousands on a new website or more expensive advertising.

Don't lose hard-won, expensive website visitors because of simple things you could do right now.

What would another two, three or thirty enquires a month mean to your business?

Find out about our website reviews by clicking the button below.

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