About Us examples for small business

Getting the website copywriting right on your About Us page right can make or break the conversion rate on a small business website. The smaller you are, the less likely your potential client is to know you. The less they know, the more they lean on your About page. They want the confidence to do business with you.

Below, we look at some examples of About Us pages on small business websites as a companion to our post on how to write an About Us page.


Small business About Us example 1: Security Tactics

Security Tactics example About Us page
The About Us page for Security Tactics in Brisbane

Taleist’s client Security Tactics sweeps for hidden microphones, cameras and tracking devices. And their About Us page is aimed squarely at their target client.

Every line above the fold is, yes, about Security Tactics. However, the words are carefully chosen. Every line contains information that’s relevant to how Security Tactics solve the client’s problems.

In the annotations above, you see:

  1. What makes Security Tactics a better choice? They’re police trained.
  2. A reminder of what the company does — increasing the reader’s certainty they’re in the right place for what they’re looking for.
  3. What do you get from working with Security Tactics? Total confidence. (Plus another reminder of what they do: sweep.)
  4. Spelling out what the company does in plain English. The jargon (“TSCM”) lets corporate security managers know that Security Tactics is an industry insider. However, not all their clients are security professionals, so they spell out what TSCM is.
  5. A reader outside Queensland might have been referred and be wondering if they can be serviced. If this were a virtual business, the location wouldn’t need to be so prominent.
  6. Finally, the page is clearly named. You never want prospective customers or search engines to have to guess where the About Us page is.

What’s missing from this About Us page?

You might read that and think it’s all obvious. However, there are equally obvious things that we left out — things we might have included in a different industry with difference clients. For example:

  • Security Tactics is a family business. That’s something we often highlight, but that’s not a competitive factor in the TSCM industry.
  • The owners have another well-established and successful business. In other circumstances that might have been something to say. However, that business isn’t relevant to the work of Security Tactics.

Small business About page example 2: Taleist

Taleist example About Us page

The copywriting on our About Us page meets the surface-level About Us brief — it’s definitely all about us as copywriters in Sydney. However, it’s not there only for colour or self-indulgence.

Our About Us page focuses on giving context to how we solve the reader’s problem. We solve their problems by understanding their clients well enough to sell a product or service to them with copywriting.

We chose to lead with that because anyone with a keyboard can claim to be a copywriter. Copywriting is a popular choice as a work-from-home business. That’s because all you need is a laptop and confidence that you write nicely.

Copywriters can choose to take it up a notch with specialist study, including online copywriting courses. Copywriters can also swap ideas and war stories in copywriting communities. So if you’re wondering how to choose a copywriter, it’s always a good idea to ask your candidates what they study.

However, even a copywriter who studies hard will be limited if they’ve not lived a wide enough life. Life experience is important to get into the heads of different types of buyer. That’s why we lead with our life experiences on Taleist’s About Us page.

We also have a customer testimonial on the page to lend persuasive energy. We could also have considered including some success stories, but we have a copywriting case studies section already.

Finally, we wrap up with a contact form. That’s because the About Us page might be where the our target customers make the decision to make contact. Why make it harder for them to do that?

What’s missing from Taleist’s About Us page?

You can shine a light on the tactics behind the copywriting here by looking at what we choose not to talk about. For example:

  1. We could have focused on high-profile clients like Microsoft, AMP, Intel and others. It would give us credibility but it could send a message that we’re not for clients who aren’t listed companies or multinationals. However, we actually write for the widest possible range of clients so we don’t want to put off any ambitious business looking for copywriters.
  2. We could have led with our 25 years in the business. It’s relevant, but longevity doesn’t always mean quality, especially not in the age of disruptors, so we don’t lead with it.
  3. We could have led with our background in journalism, which we believe makes us different in our approach — we ask more and better questions. However, journalism and copywriting are different and this is a page about copywriters.
  4. We could have talked about our core values, but our recommendation is to be careful before listening to all the advice to talk about your values on your website. It works for some businesses, but not everyone’s customers are interested in seeing the company values written out. (They just want you to live them.)
  5. We could have talked about our business model, but we discuss our copywriting process elsewhere on the site, where it feels more organic to do so. Also, we don’t think our business model is an important part of our value proposition to our audience of business owners and marketers.

Small business About Us page example 3: Central Glass and Aluminium

CGA is a client of ours. It’s a family business that makes doors and windows. That sounds like a widget business, doesn’t it? You’d think it would be impossible to slide a razor blade between suppliers…

But it isn’t, which is why we wrote this:

Copywriting example: the About Us page for Central Glass

We could just have written that the team at CGA cares deeply about customer satisfaction. Anyone who has spoken to Heather, the owner would know that. However, you shouldn’t write something where no competitor would say the opposite. More about that in our guide to writing an About Us page.

None of CGA’s competitors would tell you they didn’t care about customer satisfaction. So we proved it by adding a supporting example: the customer who’d been sent packing by 15 (seriously) other companies before she found CGA.

We didn’t just tell the reader something, we showed them.

Small business About Us page example 4: Mela Creative

We liked this one so much that we made a video about it.

Read our guide to writing an About Us page for your website

To discover how to write your own About Us page read our post How To Write An About Us Page For Your Website.

You might also be interested in our breakdown of About page examples for dentists and for About Us page examples for financial planners. Additionally, our selection of website copywriting examples includes observations on About pages.