Social proof

The principles of influence work because your potential customers have to make a million decisions to make a day. The only way customers can make all those decisions is if they have mental shortcuts. The mental shortcuts are used to make safe decisions when there isn’t time to be sure you’re making the best decision.

Your copywriter can make your copywriting more persuasive by using Cialdini’s proven shortcuts to influence your customers in their search for the right product or service.

Of the six principles of influence, social proof is perhaps the most powerful mental shortcut. Think about your own experience selecting products and services…

When you’re deciding where to go for lunch, are you more likely to walk into a crowded restaurant or an empty one? According to Cialdini, you would choose to eat at the crowded restaurant. That’s because doing what others are doing is generally safe. We assume all those other people have made a rational decision, so the more people we see doing something, the more likely we are to do the same. If the restaurant is getting a lot of customers, it’s more likely to serve acceptable food. Businesses featuring glowing reviews on Google are, we think, likely to deliver the promised benefits and features of the products and services they provide.

Social proof is an integral part of writing copy. Incorporating testimonials, case studies or celebrity endorsements are all great ways to boost conversions and drive sales. There are many other ways you can present proof on your website. (39 different types of proof in fact.)