
What would you do if you saw two men crossing the road against a red light? Would you follow them? Studies show that it depends. What it depends on might surprise you — see the video for more.

People trust authorities. If you want your audience to take action, convince them that an authority says they should.

If the story in the video wasn’t enough to convince you, there have been studies that proved people are more likely to take advice from someone wearing a lab coat. If you want to make your copywriting more persuasive to your audience, one of the ways is to make sure your advertising is signalling your authority in your area of expertise.

Demonstrating authority can be more than just displaying your certifications and years of experience. Blog posts are a great way to address your readers’ problems directly and inform them that you have the solution to those problems. By doing so, you are assuring your audience that you have the knowledge and expertise they’re looking for. What’s more, it tells your audience that you have their best interests at heart long before they even picked up the phone to call you.