The Landing Page Checklist

Doing just one of these things could triple your conversion rate...

Stop watching expensive landing page leads from Facebook and Google slip through your fingers. Register now or login to get immediate access to our 11-point landing page checklist. This is the same checklist  our own copywriters use for clients sending traffic to a landing page.

Landing page copywriting tips

Every day, Taleist's copywriters hand our clients landing pages that produce results like these…

  • 433% increase in conversions for a bariatric surgeon in California
  • 211% more leads (and double the lead quality) for an aged-care provider in Sydney
  • 15 new patients/month at $6,000 each for an implant dentist (plus $14,400 in immediate savings in spend on Google Ads)
  • 3x more enquiries for a social media marketing agency (just by changing a landing page headline)
  • Slashing Facebook costs from $100 per lead to just $12.53 per lead for an Australian solar energy company

The first step in achieving results like this is a simple 11-point checklist.
Surely copywriting a high-converting landing page can't be that simple?

Simple works.

Pilots with thousands of flying hours still rely on a checklist before every flight. The checklist means they leave nothing to chance.

Our copywriters are the same.

Ticking off the checklist makes sure we never miss a single ingredient in the Big Five. The Big Five are the conversion factors common to all successful landing pages.

Now, we're sharing that internal checklist for writing high-converting landing pages.

All you have to do is enter your email below to let us know where to email your free PDF...

Surely, we're not giving away this invaluable tool?

Our copywriters have this landing page checklist with them from the moment they start on a draft.

Missing just one of the things on the checklist could be expensive for a client. (You’ll be amazed by the RESULTS you can get from a SINGLE TWEAK.)

So why would we give away something this valuable to anyone would would like it, including our competitors?

Because we hate seeing ad dollars wasted.

And we love seeing qualified, expensive Facebook and Google traffic TURNED INTO CONVERSIONS by meticulously constructed landing pages.

This 11-point checklist will make sure your landing pages have NO OBVIOUS HOLES, which means more AD DOLLARS WELL SPENT.

That's what we love to see, so use the form below to get instant access to the PDF.

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