How AI copywriting can improve internal communications, transform conversations and skyrocket performance

Improve internal comms processes with AI

As an internal communicator, the pressure is always on. You’re expected to constantly come up with new, sparkly ideas and content topics that not only adhere to company standards, but also keep your colleagues from dozing off mid-memo. And you have to do it all while managing multiple communication channels and the expectations of business leaders. 

But with the emergence of AI writing tools, many of these issues are becoming a thing of the past.

Once a concept of sci-fi films, artificial intelligence has now become integrated into our everyday lives. But far from the dystopian vision of robots taking over the world, artificial intelligence is quickly becoming man’s smartest friend. AI tools offer real solutions to the challenges faced by many company departments, including internal communications.  

From creating content to helping teams craft effective internal communications strategies, AI tools can help bridge the gap between employees and management. The benefits are clear – faster production cycles, improved accuracy, and more consistency across channels.

Additionally, AI writing also helps teams save time on repetitive tasks such as editing and proofreading, freeing up their bandwidth for meaningful work like strategy and analytics. With its machine learning capabilities, AI tools can create messages that have a greater impact on employees while reducing human error in the process.

What are the challenges of internal communications?

Like a game of Whack-a-Mole, the challenges facing an internal comms team are never-ending. From finding ways to engage a diverse and distributed workforce, to ensuring key messages are received and understood, there’s no shortage of things that need to be addressed.

Here are some of the common issues teams face on a regular basis:

Ambiguity in the way messages are communicated and understood.

Challenges in internal communications arise when the message given is unclear.
When conversations go awry, it’s usually not because of what was said, but how it was said.

More often than not, communication challenges stem from a lack of clarity rather than a lack of words. Everyone reads messages differently. And when you add a sprinkle of corporate jargon into the mix, you may as well be speaking in a different language.

Not having a clear message is like giving directions without a map. It inevitably leads to confusion, and lots of it.

This confusion can lead to disorganised chaos with everyone making their own interpretations of the message. And at the end of the day, all your team will have accomplished is hundreds of iterations of misunderstood requests and scattered efforts.

Limited time and resources for internal communications initiatives.

It’s a tale as old as time. You have a million things to do and not enough time or manpower to get them done. Companies often prioritise customer-facing initiatives such as advertising campaigns and product launches over internal communication strategies, which are often seen as less important.

These challenges are compounded when you have a distributed workforce. You aren’t always in the same room as everyone. And without a dedicated team or budget for internal communications, it’s even harder to make sure your message is heard and understood. 

A lack of employee engagement

An effective internal comms strategy is needed for engaged employees.
The last thing you want to see when your colleagues open your email.

Picture this – You send a thorough, informative email to your team only to have no one respond because they’re “too busy”. Or perhaps you deliver a detailed agenda for an upcoming meeting hours before. But later during the meeting itself, you find no one knows what you’re talking about.

It’s an all-too-common problem companies face when attempting to communicate internally. With employees receiving hundreds of emails a day and limited time to comb through them, getting your message across can be difficult.

Unless you’re armed with an internal communications strategy that engages and incentivises team members, your message will likely fall on deaf ears. And that can mean serious consequences for productivity and morale. 

Misalignment between employees and company goals

The success of any business relies on how well its team is able to carry out its duties in line with the company’s objectives. But if your employees can’t even tell you what the company’s goals for the year are, then you have a problem.

To avoid this, consistent messaging is key – from emails to newsletters to employee recognition programs. Business leaders need to ensure that all employees understand the company’s vision and mission, as well as how their role contributes to them.

Lack of employee feedback

One of the biggest challenges for internal communicators is not getting employee feedback.
Employee insights open the door to making improvements for your business.

Employee feedback is one of the most powerful tools in enhancing your workplace, as it offers a window into areas that can be improved on. This leads to a brighter and more productive work environment for all individuals involved.

An honest dialogue also fosters satisfaction and enthusiasm in the office. Meanwhile, silence may lead to apathy. In order to ensure that everyone is on the same page, it’s essential to create an environment where employees feel comfortable voicing their opinions. 

A diverse workforce with different communication needs

Different cultures, languages and ages can all throw a spanner in the works when it comes to internal messaging. And that’s before factoring in different geographies and time zones.

While it’s great to have a diverse team, it can also be difficult to ensure everyone is on the same page. Messages that work for one demographic may not be as effective with another.

Managing multiple communication channels

Having several business channels also makes it easier for messages to get lost in the noise.
Technology has certainly made communication easier, but it’s also created its own set of challenges.

These days, it’s almost impossible to keep up with the sheer number of communication channels available to us. From emails and text messages to online chats and messaging apps. Not to mention the more traditional methods like face-to-face meetings.

This can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, having multiple channels allows employers and team members alike to stay connected quickly and easily.

On the other hand, it can be difficult to keep track of conversations and requests made across different channels. Important information slips through the cracks, messages get lost in the noise, and valuable time is wasted.

How AI can help to improve people’s communications

With the help of AI copywriting tools, internal communication departments can take on a much lighter workload. Instead of spending hours upon hours drafting emails, memos, and other messages to staff, artificial intelligence can complete tedious writing tasks for you in minutes.

With AI copywriting tools taking care of the heavy lifting, internal communications departments can focus less on mind-numbing aspects of content creation, and more on crafting compelling messages that engage employees.

On top of that, these AI tools also use natural language processing (NLP) technology so they can tailor their output to audience demographics and preferences. That means everyone across an organisation could receive the same message, but in different tones and styles.

Overview of AI copywriting tools available in the market

Take a look at the AI tools available for purchase today
ChatGPT may be the new AI kid on the block. But plenty of other AI tools have long established their place in the market.

AI copywriting tools can help internal communications create content faster and more efficiently than ever before. From automated proofreading and grammar checking to intelligent suggestions for better phrasing, these innovative tools are revolutionising content creation. 

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular AI tools currently on the market:


If you picked up on the hundred or so headlines about this AI tool, you’ll know that ChatGPT is the latest darling in the artificial intelligence space. A recent addition to OpenAI’s GPT family, ChatGPT is designed to generate natural language responses to inputted questions.

ChatGPT can be used to automate communications, making it easier and faster for teams to respond to customer inquiries or create materials that are both effective and engaging.

But ChatGPT isn’t without its challenges. Firstly, there have been reports of it not always understanding more complex language requests. So you’ll still need to check your content output before sending it out.

Secondly, it’s still a relatively new product and training data may not be as extensive as other products on the market. But if you’re looking for a tool that can save your team time and money, ChatGPT is a great starting point. 

Jasper AI

Jasper is an AI-driven content writing tool that uses natural language processing to quickly generate sentences or entire paragraphs based on the data you provide. It’s a great option for internal comms teams, as it can generate copy quickly with minimal manual interaction required.

The downside? The price tag. Jasper can be quite costly compared to other products on the market. But if you’re in need of an AI writer that’s dependable, well-trained, and up-to-date, this might just be your best bet.


CopyAI is another AI copywriting tool that has been gaining traction in the market. The tool helps businesses create quality content quickly, allowing them to focus on more important tasks. Plus, it can be used for a variety of internal communication needs – from creating emails and marketing materials to crafting up announcements and memos.

However, it’s not perfect. The user interface can be a bit tricky to navigate, and the software might take some time to get used to. Nevertheless, it’s a good option for internal comms teams looking to save time and effort with computer generated writing.


Grammarly is a powerful AI proofreader that helps communicators get their content right the first time. It can auto-correct typos and spelling mistakes, as well as suggest rephrasing for better readability.

This machine learning tool is also great at picking up on language that could be considered offensive or inappropriate, allowing you to make necessary changes before sending out your material. 

Grammarly also offers useful features like an integrated plagiarism checker and even a tone detector, so you can ensure your message is consistent across all channels. All in all, Grammarly is perfect for internal communicators who want to make sure their messages meet the highest standards.

How will artificial intelligence impact workplace communication in the future?

Artificial intelligence may still be in its infancy, but its potential to shake up workplace communication is already being felt. With AI copywriting tools becoming increasingly accessible, internal communications departments are now finding themselves at an exciting crossroads of technology and creativity. 

Businesses that use AI tools will benefit from more agile content creation. This means swiftly responding to any changes in the workplace and keeping employees in the loop will be easier than ever before. 

AI will influence the way humans think and interact with each other
While AI isn’t set to replace human intelligence yet, it will certainly redefine how we interact with one another.

But while AI may be faster, it cannot yet replace the emotional depth and understanding of contextual nuance that human writers bring to communication. AI tools are great for lightening the load. But they can’t think critically or evoke an emotional response the same way human copywriters can.

Ultimately, AI-powered writing assistants can be used as an aid to overcome writer’s block and improve internal communications processes. But they are not substitutes for the skills and strategies human copywriters bring to the table. 

The real power of workplace communication lies in combining both human writers and AI-driven ideas. Two heads are better than one, as they say, even if one of those heads is powered by computer science and algorithms.

Leverage the power of AI to communicate better, faster

With an ever-changing landscape, companies must stay agile in order to maintain their competitive edge. Investing in AI tools offers just that. 

By lightening the load and improving output quality, AI copywriting tools can help internal communications teams keep their messages on-brand and consistent – no matter how quickly things change.

Amplify your reach at a fraction of the time with AI

Working in communications can feel like being on a rollercoaster sometimes. One minute, you’re overflowing with ideas; the next you’re having to deal with a creative drought. You pour your heart out to come up with something truly captivating. But by then, it’s already time to move on to the next content topic. Every day, there’s another blank page to fill.

Don’t pull out your hair just yet. With the right AI tools, you can quickly generate high-quality content that will help keep your communications channels running without breaking a sweat. From editing and proofreading to creating original pieces of content from scratch, AI-powered writing assistants are designed to lighten the workload for busy professionals like yourself.

But don’t buy into the hype that you can just throw a bunch of words into an AI algorithm and it’ll spit out a masterpiece. AI is a tool, you are still the artist. In order to effectively use AI, you need to understand how it works. What it can and can’t do for you.

That’s why we’ve put together AI copywriting courses that teach you the ins and outs of AI copywriting. Through our training and coaching in AI copywriting, we’ll show you how to effectively use AI while still keeping the human touch alive in every word. Learn how to transform your communications output with a trustworthy writing assistant by your side.

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