ChatGPT rewrites a webinar invitation

The chat below uses priming (putting ChatGPT in the right frame of mind). When you know how, you can create a library of resuable and highly detailed prompts (tailored to your organisation) to get consistent results.

Some of these prompts built on techniques (like creating a tone of voice description) that I couldn't run through in the webinar. The tone of voice description is an example of a prompt you can build once and use repeatedly.

Tone of voice and the other elements I included here are covered in ChatGTP mastery.

All up, there are only nine prompts in this chat (and one of them wasn't strictly necessary.)

That's how fast you can get things done with ChatGPT if you know how.

Transcript of chat

Steven Lewis


You are professional services marketing consultant. You are expert in the principles of marketing, renowned for your skills in assessing marketing collateral for its likely effectiveness.

I am your client. I have written the webinar invitation below.

I would like you to consult to me on the invitation's likely effectiveness at achieving its goal of getting my audience to register for the webinar.

What information do you need in order to give me good advice?

Webinar invitation:

Subject line: Taleist Partners Invitation - Cybersecurity Webinar - 8 June 2023

The Potential of UK and Canada Outpacing Germany in the Cybersecurity Landscape

Dear Michael,

We are delighted to invite you to join our webinar taking place on 10.00am (CET) / 9.00am (BST). This virtual event will feature a panel that includes Cyber Security Partner Scott David and Managing Partner and Germany Walter Neil with cybersecurity specialists from the UK and Canada.

They will converse on key nations' policies and investments in cybersecurity, and how these strategies may influence Germany's progression in the cyber defence arena.

The webinar will address a range of subjects, including:

The Digital Safety Bill’s GBP 500 billion allocation to UK's cybersecurity sector through various grants, loans, and tax credits, serving to expedite the UK's cyber defense advancement.

The initiation of the Cybernetic Protection Act by the Canadian government, which, in its preliminary state, would have the government release a total of approximately CAD 200 billion in Canadian Government Bonds, encompassing all facets of the cybersecurity transition.

In light of the magnitude of these initiatives and their ramifications, we will deliberate what they could mean for Germany's investments in cybersecurity and the German Government’s strategies and rules bolstering it.

RSVP here



To assess the likely effectiveness of your webinar invitation, I'll need to understand a few key pieces of information:

  1. Target Audience: Who are you sending this invitation to? What's their level of expertise and interest in cybersecurity? Knowing the demographics and preferences of your audience will allow me to advise you more effectively.
  2. Goal of the Webinar: Is the main objective to inform, to establish thought leadership, to sell a product or service, to network, etc.? The invitation should align with the primary objective.
  3. Competing Events: Are there any other similar events happening around the same time? Knowing this could help in crafting a more compelling invitation.
  4. Webinar Format: Is this a panel discussion, a presentation, a workshop, etc.? The invitation should prepare attendees for what to expect.

Assuming that your target audience is knowledgeable about cybersecurity and is interested in the implications of policy shifts in the UK and Canada, your invitation has several strengths:

  1. Relevant Topic: The subject matter appears to be very relevant and timely for professionals interested in cybersecurity.
  2. Subject Line: It is specific and informative, providing the recipient with the essential details about the webinar.
  3. Detailed Information: The email provides a good level of detail about what the webinar will cover, including specific policies and investment plans.

However, there are a few potential areas for improvement:

  1. Clarity on Timing: The date of the webinar is in the subject line but not in the body of the email. Including it in the body (along with the time) would make it easier for the recipient to find this crucial information.
  2. Value Proposition: While you've done a good job outlining the topics to be discussed, you could potentially highlight more directly why this is a can't-miss event. What unique insights will the panel provide? What benefit will attendees get from participating?
  3. Speaker Credentials: You've mentioned the speakers, but could potentially highlight their credentials more strongly. Why are they uniquely positioned to speak on these topics?
  4. Call to Action: The 'RSVP here' text could be more enticing. Maybe something along the lines of 'Reserve your spot now' or 'Secure your place at this critical discussion'.
  5. Email Personalization: Though you used the recipient's first name, a bit more personalization could enhance engagement. For instance, you might mention why this webinar is particularly relevant to them.

I hope this feedback is useful. With a few adjustments, your webinar invitation could be very effective at getting your audience to register.

Steven Lewis


What are the elements of a good email subject line?



A good email subject line is a critical factor in getting your email opened and read. Here are some elements that make up an effective email subject line:

  1. Brevity: Keep your subject line concise and to the point. A typical inbox reveals about 60 characters of an email's subject line, while mobile devices show just 25 to 30 characters.
  2. Specificity: Be clear and specific about what the email contains. People are more likely to open an email if they have an idea of what they'll read about.
  3. Personalization: Including the recipient's name or other personalized data can increase open rates. Personalization shows the reader that the email is intended for them specifically, which makes them more likely to pay attention.
  4. Urgency: Creating a sense of urgency can encourage readers to open the email sooner rather than later. However, this should be used sparingly and authentically to avoid appearing spammy or causing annoyance.
  5. Relevance: Make sure the subject line is relevant to the recipient. This ties in with personalization and being specific.
  6. Curiosity: Subject lines that pique the reader's curiosity can be effective, but they must still give a sense of what the email contains.
  7. Value Proposition: If possible, convey the value or benefit the reader will gain from opening the email. What will they learn or what will they gain?
  8. Avoiding Spam Triggers: Certain words and techniques can make your email look like spam, reducing the open rate. For example, avoid using all caps, excessive exclamation points, and spam trigger words like "free," "buy now," or "limited time offer."

Remember, the effectiveness of an email subject line can often be industry, audience, and context-specific. It's a good idea to test different types of subject lines with your audience to see what works best.

Steven Lewis


Considering that list, do you really think this is a good subject line for my webinar invitation? "Taleist Partners Invitation - Cybersecurity Webinar - 8 June 2023"



Based on the principles we've discussed, there are a few opportunities to improve the subject line for your webinar invitation:

  1. Specificity: While the current subject line tells readers that this is a cybersecurity webinar, it could be more specific about the webinar's unique value or content. This could help to differentiate it from other cybersecurity webinars.
  2. Personalization: Adding a personalized element could make the subject line more compelling.
  3. Value Proposition: Including a brief hint of what attendees will learn or gain from the webinar can incentivize them to open the email.
  4. Curiosity: Incorporating a curiosity element could intrigue readers and prompt them to open the email to find out more.

With these considerations in mind, you might consider a subject line like:
"Michael, Discover Cybersecurity Trends - UK, Canada & Germany - Webinar on 8 June 2023"
"Unlock the Future of Cybersecurity: UK, Canada & Germany - Webinar Invitation for 8 June 2023"

This alternative subject line uses personalization, provides more specific information, hints at the value to the reader (discovering trends/unlocking the future), and could provoke curiosity about what these trends might be. Please remember that the effectiveness of a subject line can be audience-specific, so it's often beneficial to test different versions to see what works best for your particular audience.

Steven Lewis


I have compiled answers to your questions, and included other information that might be helpful to you. Please consider the information below and use it to advise me as a marketing expert on the invitation's likely effectiveness at achieving its goal of getting my audience to register for the webinar.

Target Audience: My target audience are the in-house counsel working in the US or Europe for large cybersecurity companies. My secondary audience are their key technical contacts, e.g. CIO or CISO.

Goal of the Webinar: The goal of the webinar is to interest these in-house counsel in a follow-up call with one of my law firm's partners.

Competing events: None

Webinar format: Panel discussion between legal and cybersecurity experts

Brand Voice and Tone: Professional, informative, and authoritative. The language used is formal, sophisticated, and technically accurate, often delving into detailed explanations of complex legal and policy matters. The content is direct and concise, presenting facts and trends in a clear, unambiguous manner. The narrative voice establishes its credibility through its expert knowledge, showcasing a deep understanding of the topics at hand. When emulating this tone, aim to inform and educate the reader, employing a confident and authoritative stance. Use precise language and ensure the content is rich in specifics and context, reflecting the complexity and gravitas of the subjects being discussed.

Follow-up Strategy: I haven't thought about a follow-up strategy. What would you recommend.

Past Performance: We have data on how many people were invited, how many registered and how many attended. Is this helpful? Or is there better data we should have collected?



Thanks for providing more details. This information is indeed helpful for me to provide more focused advice. Here are my recommendations:

Webinar Invitation:

  1. Enhance Speaker Credentials: You've mentioned the speakers, but given the high level of your target audience (in-house counsel, CIOs, and CISOs), you may want to give more background on their expertise, credentials, or achievements in the field of cybersecurity. This can further establish the webinar's credibility and value.
  2. Direct Benefit Statement: Since your goal is to interest these individuals in a follow-up call, I would recommend making a direct statement about the benefit of such a call. This could involve mentioning some of the potential topics for these follow-up discussions or even hinting at potential outcomes.
  3. Webinar Format: Mention explicitly that this is a panel discussion between legal and cybersecurity experts. This will set the expectations correctly.

Follow-up Strategy:

  1. Personalized Follow-Up Email: After the webinar, send a personalized follow-up email to each attendee. This should thank them for their attendance, provide a brief recap or key takeaways from the webinar, and offer the opportunity to schedule a follow-up call.
  2. Call-To-Action (CTA): This follow-up email should contain a clear CTA to schedule the call. Ideally, this should involve a simple process, perhaps even linking to an online scheduling tool.

Past Performance and Data Collection:

  1. Registration and Attendance: Knowing how many people were invited, how many registered, and how many attended is indeed helpful. This provides the basic conversion rates for your webinars.
  2. Engagement Metrics: You might also want to track engagement during the webinar. How long did people stay? Did they participate in Q&A or polls? Did they provide feedback or rate the webinar?
  3. Follow-up: How many people took the desired action after past webinars? How many scheduled a follow-up call? Of those calls, how many led to meaningful outcomes?

Other Considerations:

  1. Reiterate the Date and Time: Include the date and time in the body of the email. This helps readers quickly find this crucial information.
  2. Clear Call to Action: Make the RSVP process as straightforward as possible. A simple, "Click here to reserve your spot" should be sufficient.
  3. Reminder Email: Consider sending a reminder email a day or two before the webinar. This can help increase attendance rates.
  4. On-Demand Access: If possible, offer on-demand access for those who can't make the live session. This can help you reach a larger audience and provide more chances for follow-up conversations.

I hope these suggestions help to improve your webinar invitation and follow-up strategy. Remember, effective marketing often involves testing and adjusting, so don't be afraid to experiment and see what works best for your specific audience.

Steven Lewis

As you know, my target audience are the in-house counsel working in the US or Europe for large cybersecurity companies. My secondary audience are their key technical contacts, e.g. CIO or CISO. What are the top 10 reasons my audience and secondary audience would want to come to a webinar like this?


Understanding your audience's motivation is crucial to tailoring the content and marketing of your webinar. Here are ten reasons why in-house counsel, CIOs, and CISOs at large cybersecurity companies might be interested in attending your webinar:

  1. Latest Policy Updates: They can get the latest updates on cybersecurity policy developments in the UK, Canada, and Germany, and what these could mean for their organizations.
  2. Expert Insight: They will have the opportunity to hear from renowned cybersecurity and legal experts, which could provide them with new perspectives and insights.
  3. Impact Analysis: They can learn about the potential impact of these cybersecurity policy shifts on their organization's current and future operations.
  4. Network Building: They can network with other professionals in the field and potentially build beneficial relationships.
  5. Risk Assessment: They can better understand potential legal and operational risks associated with these changes in cybersecurity policies.
  6. Strategic Planning: They can gain insights that may inform their strategic planning around cybersecurity initiatives.
  7. Benchmarking: They can benchmark their organization's policies and practices against the developments in these countries.
  8. Regulatory Compliance: They can gather information that could help their companies stay compliant with evolving international cybersecurity regulations.
  9. Question and Answer Opportunity: They will have the chance to ask specific questions to the panel of experts, addressing their unique concerns or clarifying any uncertainties.
  10. Continued Learning: They can fulfill a personal or professional commitment to ongoing learning in their field.

It's important that your webinar invitation and follow-up communications highlight some of these potential benefits to attract your target audience effectively.

Steven Lewis

For each of these 10 reasons please score the effectiveness of my webinar invitation (1 = bad, 10 = perfect). If I don't score a 10, please advise me how to improve it.


Sure, here's how I'd score the current effectiveness of your webinar invitation in addressing each of these potential motivations:

  1. Latest Policy Updates: 8/10. Your invitation does well in stating the focus on cybersecurity policies and investments in the UK, Canada, and Germany. To improve, be more explicit about how these updates will be delivered - are they based on insider insights, analysis of public data, or something else?
  2. Expert Insight: 6/10. You mention the speakers, but their specific credentials or expertise aren't highlighted. Enhance this by mentioning why these individuals are uniquely positioned to provide expert insights on the topics at hand.
  3. Impact Analysis: 5/10. While you hint at discussing the implications of these policy shifts, the direct impact on organizations isn't explicit. You could clarify that the panel will explore the potential impacts on companies operating in these regions.
  4. Network Building: 2/10. There's currently no mention of networking opportunities in the webinar. If there will be Q&A sessions, breakout rooms, or other interactive segments, these should be mentioned.
  5. Risk Assessment: 5/10. The invitation alludes to potential risks indirectly through the discussion of policy shifts and investments. To improve, mention explicitly that the panel will discuss potential risks and how companies can navigate them.
  6. Strategic Planning: 5/10. The invitation suggests there will be discussion on strategic implications, but doesn't specify how this might aid in the attendees' own strategic planning. Consider stating that attendees will gain insights to inform their cybersecurity strategies.
  7. Benchmarking: 4/10. While the invitation discusses various cybersecurity initiatives, there isn't a clear suggestion that attendees could use this information for benchmarking purposes. Make this benefit explicit.
  8. Regulatory Compliance: 5/10. This is somewhat implied by the discussion of different nations' policies, but you could improve by stating that the panel will provide information that can help companies ensure they're in line with international cybersecurity regulations.
  9. Question and Answer Opportunity: 2/10. Unless there is a Q&A session, this aspect is not addressed in your invitation. If there is, be sure to mention it.
  10. Continued Learning: 7/10. The invitation is strong in presenting the webinar as an educational opportunity, given its detail on the discussion topics. To improve, consider adding language that directly appeals to the audience's desire for continued professional development.

Remember, you don't necessarily need to address all of these motivations directly in your invitation. Choose the ones that are most aligned with your webinar's content and most likely to resonate with your specific audience. The rest can be incorporated into follow-up communications or the webinar content itself.

Steven Lewis

Again, consider that my target audience are the in-house counsel working in the US or Europe for large cybersecurity companies. My secondary audience are their key technical contacts, e.g. CIO or CISO.

  1. What are the top 10 reasons members of my audience and secondary audience might decline this invitation specifically?
  2. What are the top 10 reasons members of my audience and secondary audience might decline an invitation like this generally?


Absolutely, understanding potential obstacles to engagement can be very valuable. Here are ten reasons why in-house counsel, CIOs, and CISOs might specifically decline your current webinar invitation:

  1. Lack of Personal Relevance: The invitation might not make it clear how the content is specifically relevant to their role or organization.
  2. Time Zone Differences: The webinar time may not be convenient, especially if attendees are spread across multiple time zones.
  3. Unknown Speakers: If they're not familiar with the speakers, they might not see the value in attending.
  4. Content Overload: They might feel that the topics are too broad or complex to be covered effectively in the timeframe of a single webinar.
  5. Unclear Value Proposition: If the invitation doesn't make clear what unique insights or benefits they'll gain from attending, they might not see a reason to attend.
  6. Timing: The webinar might conflict with other events or priorities in their schedule.
  7. Lack of Interaction: If there's no mention of Q&A or networking opportunities, they might feel the webinar will be too passive or impersonal.
  8. Too Sales-Oriented: If the invitation feels more like a sales pitch for your firm than a genuinely informative event, they might be put off.
  9. Content Depth: They may feel the level of discussion may not be deep or technical enough, given the complex nature of the topics.
  10. No On-Demand Access: If they're unsure they can attend live and there's no mention of on-demand access, they might decline the invitation.

As for general reasons why members of your target audience might decline webinar invitations:

  1. Webinar Fatigue: In the digital age, especially post-COVID-19, there's been an influx of webinars, and people may simply feel overwhelmed.
  2. Lack of Time: These professionals are likely very busy and may not feel they have time to attend a webinar.
  3. Previous Experience: If they've had bad experiences with webinars in the past (e.g., poor content, technical issues), they might be hesitant to attend another.
  4. Inadequate Topic: The topic may not be relevant or of interest to them.
  5. Unfamiliar Brand or Organization: If they don't recognize or trust the organization hosting the webinar, they might be hesitant to attend.
  6. No Immediate Relevance: The topic may not be immediately relevant to their current work or projects.
  7. No Incentives: There may be no immediate or clear incentive for them to attend, especially if no continuing education units (CEUs) or certificates are provided.
  8. Inconvenient Format: The webinar format might not suit their learning style or preferences.
  9. Poor Timing: The webinar may be scheduled at an inconvenient time, conflicting with work or personal commitments.
  10. Lack of Interaction or Networking Opportunities: If there's no opportunity for questions or networking, they might feel the webinar won't provide enough value.

Steven Lewis

Earlier in our chat, you mentioned two opportunities to improve this invitation. They were:

  1. Specificity: While the current subject line tells readers that this is a cybersecurity webinar, it could be more specific about the webinar's unique value or content. This could help to differentiate it from other cybersecurity webinars.
  2. Value Proposition: Including a brief hint of what attendees will learn or gain from the webinar can incentivize them to open the email.

I don't have this information from the presenters. Could you please:

  1. Specificity: Give me three examples of what my subject line would look like
  2. Value proposition: Give me six questions I could ask the presenters to elicit information I could use in my invitation


Absolutely. Here are some suggestions:

Specificity: Given the existing subject line and the content of your invitation, three more specific variations could be:

  1. "How Will UK and Canada's Cybersecurity Policies Impact Germany? - Webinar Invite from Taleist Partners"
  2. "The Rising Powers in Cybersecurity: UK, Canada and Implications for Germany - Taleist Webinar"
  3. "Webinar: Navigating Changing Cybersecurity Landscapes in UK, Canada, and Germany"

Value Proposition: To extract information from the presenters that could help communicate the value of attending the webinar, you might ask:

  1. "What unique insights or expertise will you be bringing to this discussion?"
  2. "What are some key takeaways you hope attendees will get from this webinar?"
  3. "Can you share one or two surprising or little-known facts related to our webinar's theme?"
  4. "How will understanding these cybersecurity policy shifts benefit the attendees in their roles?"
  5. "What practical advice or strategies will attendees be able to implement after attending this webinar?"
  6. "Are there any common misconceptions or challenges in the cybersecurity landscape that you'll be addressing?"

By asking these questions, you should be able to gather some compelling points to enhance the value proposition in your webinar invitation.

Steven Lewis

Imagine that you now have:

  1. Answers to those six questions
  2. Compelling information about the five speakers
  3. The direct benefit of the follow-up call.

You now know all of the above and:

  1. My audience, including what would make them want to register for the webinar and why they might decline
  2. My goal
  3. The specifics and value proposition of the webinar
  4. The credentials of my speakers

Please make up what you have to, then use all of this information to write:

  1. A subject line that follows your own advice for a subject line that will get the email opened
  2. A webinar invitation that follows your advice for increasing the likelihood of a high response rate
  3. A brilliant call to action


Of course, based on all the given parameters, here's a suggestion:

Subject Line: "Boost Your Cyber Defense Strategy: Exclusive Insights from Top Global Experts – Taleist Webinar"

Webinar Invitation:

Dear Michael,

Taleist Partners cordially invites you to a pivotal discussion that could reshape your cybersecurity strategy: "UK and Canada's Cybersecurity Rise: Implications for Global Cyber Defense Landscape".

Taking place on 8th June at 10.00am (CET) / 9.00am (BST), this is a rare chance to gain firsthand insights from global cybersecurity thought leaders, including Cyber Security Partner Scott David and Managing Partner Walter Neil. Joined by distinguished cybersecurity specialists from the UK and Canada, our panelists bring a wealth of expertise from their work with the world's most secure organizations.

Why attend?

  • Exclusive insights: Our panelists will share their unique perspective on the surprising trends and innovations driving the cybersecurity sector in the UK, Canada, and Germany.
  • Impact on your organization: Understand the implications of major cybersecurity policy shifts on your operations and strategic planning.
  • Ask the experts: An interactive Q&A session will allow you to pose your specific concerns to our panel.

Our panel will delve into key topics such as the UK's Digital Safety Bill’s GBP 500 billion allocation to its cybersecurity sector, and Canada's groundbreaking Cybernetic Protection Act. They'll offer their expert analysis on how these initiatives could influence Germany's cyber defense trajectory, with an eye on the potential impacts on your organization.

Join us to learn about potential legal and operational risks posed by these changes, and how you can navigate them to stay ahead in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. This webinar will also offer ample networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with peers and industry leaders.

Call to Action:

Don't miss this opportunity to future-proof your cybersecurity strategy. Secure your place now and transform the way you navigate the global cybersecurity landscape.

RSVP Here.

Looking forward to helping you stay ahead in the global cybersecurity race.

Best, [Your Name]

The above sample aims to highlight the unique value proposition of the webinar and the credentials of the speakers while appealing to the specific interests and potential concerns of your target audience. It also introduces an engaging call to action to drive registrations.


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